As universities across the United States continue to adapt to the changing landscape of higher education, one area often overlooked is academic career coaching. However, investing in academic career coaching is essential for universities’ future growth and success.

The Current State of Academic Career Coaching

There are a variety of issues with academic career counseling in universities today. While many universities offer some form of career services to their students, the quality and effectiveness of these services can vary widely. Some universities have robust career centers with dedicated staff and resources, while others have limited offerings that may only meet the needs of some students.


One of the biggest challenges universities face in providing effective academic career coaching is the need for more resources. Many universities need more staff and funding for career services, making it difficult to provide comprehensive support to students. This can be especially challenging for smaller or less well-funded institutions, which may need help providing the same support as larger or more well-funded universities.

Another challenge is the rapidly changing job market and the need to keep up with new trends and technologies. Career coaches must stay up-to-date on the latest job search strategies, networking techniques, and industry trends to provide effective guidance to students. This requires ongoing training and professional development, which can be difficult to prioritize in an environment where resources are already stretched thin.


Despite these challenges, many universities recognize the importance of academic career coaching and invest in new programs and initiatives to support their students better. Some universities partner with employers to offer internships and other career development opportunities, while others develop online resources and tools to help students navigate their career paths.

The Benefits of Investing in Academic Career Coaching

Investing in academic career coaching can significantly impact a university’s success. Universities can improve student retention rates and increase alumni engagement by providing personalized guidance and support.

1. Improved Student Retention Rates

Academic career coaching can improve student retention rates by providing students with the guidance and support they need to succeed in their chosen careers. Students who feel supported and empowered are more likely to stay engaged and motivated throughout their academic journey.

2. Increased Alumni Engagement

Investing in academic career coaching can also increase alum engagement. When alums feel that their university has helped them succeed in their careers, they are more likely to stay connected and give back to the university through donations, mentorship, and other forms of support.

3. Enhanced Reputation of the University

When students are successful in their careers after graduation, it reflects positively on the university and can enhance its reputation. This can attract more students and funding and improve the overall perception of the university in the community.

4. Personalized Guidance and Support

Academic career coaching provides students with personalized guidance and support tailored to their needs and goals. This can help students navigate the complex job market and make informed decisions about their career paths.

5. Access to Industry Experts

Many academic career coaching programs offer access to industry experts who can provide valuable insights and advice on job search strategies, networking techniques, and industry trends. This can give students a competitive edge in the job market and help them stand out to potential employers.

6. Development of Essential Career Skills

Academic career coaching can help students develop skills such as resume writing, interviewing, networking, and job search strategies. These skills are critical for success in any career and can benefit students throughout their professional lives.

7. Increased Confidence and Self-Efficacy

By providing students with personalized guidance and support, academic career coaching can help increase their confidence and self-efficacy. This can empower students to take control of their career paths and pursue their goals with greater determination and resilience.

Best Practices for Implementing Academic Career Coaching Programs

Implementing an effective academic career coaching program requires a comprehensive approach prioritizing personalized guidance and support, access to job search resources and networking opportunities, partnerships with employers, diversity and inclusion, and continuous program evaluation. The best practices are explained further below:

Comprehensive Program Development

Universities should concentrate on creating a comprehensive program that satisfies students’ needs and complements the institution’s objectives to guarantee the success of an academic career coaching program. This may include offering services such as one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and access to job search resources.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions

One-on-one coaching sessions are a critical component of any academic career coaching program. These sessions provide students with personalized guidance and support tailored to their needs and goals.

Access to Job Search Resources and Networking Opportunities

To help students succeed in their job search, academic career coaching programs should provide access to job search resources such as resume writing workshops, interview preparation sessions, and networking events.

Partnership with Employers

Partnering with employers to offer internships and other career development opportunities can help students gain valuable experience and build professional networks. This can also benefit the university by enhancing its reputation and increasing alum engagement.

Prioritizing Diversity and Inclusion

To ensure that all students have access to the support they need to succeed, academic career coaching programs should prioritize diversity and inclusion. This may include offering services tailored to the needs of underrepresented groups, providing language support for non-native speakers, and ensuring that all students feel welcome and supported.

Continuous Program Evaluation

To ensure that an academic career coaching program is meeting the needs of students and achieving its goals, it is important to evaluate the program and make adjustments as needed continuously. This may include gathering student feedback, tracking program outcomes, and making changes to program offerings based on feedback and data.

Implementing an effective academic career coaching program requires a comprehensive approach prioritizing personalized guidance and support, access to job search resources and networking opportunities, partnerships with employers, diversity and inclusion, and continuous program evaluation.


Investing in academic career coaching is essential for universities’ future growth and success. By providing students with personalized guidance and support, universities can improve student retention rates, increase alum engagement, and enhance their reputation.

To implement an effective academic career coaching program, universities should focus on developing a comprehensive program that meets the needs of students and aligns with the university’s goals. By prioritizing academic career coaching, universities can ensure their students are prepared for career success after graduation.

Looking for comprehensive support for your university students? Restless Coaching offers Academic Career Coaching programs to meet their unique needs and align with your university’s goals. Our experienced coaches provide personalized guidance and support to help your students succeed in their careers. Contact us today to learn more.


Fear of change refers to the anxiety or apprehension individuals experience when confronted with new or unfamiliar situations, transitions, or changes in their lives.
Fear of change can significantly impact our everyday lives. It may prevent us from pursuing positive changes, hinder personal growth, and create unnecessary stress and anxiety in various aspects of life.
Fear of change becomes extreme when it causes individuals to feel paralyzed, overwhelmed, or unable to function daily. It may manifest as extreme anxiety or persistent avoidance of any change.
Yes, fear of change is a normal fear many individuals experience. Feeling some level of uncertainty or discomfort when faced with new or unfamiliar situations is natural.
Irrational fear of change is characterized by an exaggerated and disproportionate response to even minor or manageable changes. It may lack a reasonable basis and hinder individuals from embracing positive opportunities for growth.
Yes, having a strong support system can be immensely helpful in managing fear of change. Surrounding yourself with understanding and supportive individuals can provide encouragement, reassurance, and guidance during challenging times.
It is advisable to seek professional help, such as a mental health professional, if fear of change significantly impairs your ability to function daily, causes extreme anxiety, or leads to negative consequences in your personal or professional life.
A mental health professional can assist in addressing fear of change by providing guidance, support, and strategies to help individuals understand the underlying causes of their fear, challenge irrational beliefs, and develop coping mechanisms to navigate change more effectively.
Yes, talk therapy can be an effective approach for dealing with fear of change. Through therapy, individuals can explore the roots of their fear, gain insight into their thoughts and emotions, and learn strategies to manage their fear healthily and adaptively.
Fear of change can impact professional life and career decisions. It may prevent individuals from pursuing new job opportunities, career advancements, or making necessary changes in their work life due to fear of the unknown or discomfort associated with change.
Embracing positive change despite fear involves cultivating mindfulness and focusing on the present moment. By acknowledging and accepting the fear, individuals can work towards gradual steps, setting achievable goals, and seeking support to navigate the change in a more empowered way.
If someone feels extremely afraid of change to the point that it becomes overwhelming and significantly impacts their well-being, it is crucial for them to seek professional help from a mental health professional. They can provide a comprehensive assessment and offer appropriate guidance and treatment options.
People often view change in a negative light due to various factors such as fear of the unknown, uncertainty about outcomes, the potential for disruption to routines or comfort zones, and the perception of potential risks or challenges associated with change.
Yes, coaching or therapy can be valuable in helping individuals shift their negative perception of change. By exploring underlying beliefs, challenging negative thought patterns, and developing coping strategies, individuals can gradually reframe their perspective and see change in a more balanced and positive light.
Stepping outside of the comfort zone is necessary to overcome a fear of change because it allows individuals to challenge their limiting beliefs and expand their capabilities. It provides an opportunity for personal growth, new experiences, and the development of resilience and adaptability.
Group therapy can benefit individuals who fear change as it provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment to explore and share experiences related to change. Interacting with others who face similar challenges can offer validation, encouragement, and alternative perspectives.
A fear of change can lead to panic attacks. The fear, anxiety, and stress associated with change can trigger a heightened physiological response, potentially resulting in panic attacks for individuals who are particularly sensitive or prone to anxiety.
Individuals can take several steps to overcome a fear of change and avoid panic attacks. These include seeking professional help, practicing relaxation techniques and mindfulness, gradually exposing themselves to manageable changes, and developing coping strategies to manage anxiety and stress.
Fearing change hinders personal growth and development by keeping individuals stuck in their comfort zones and preventing them from exploring new opportunities, acquiring new skills, and experiencing different perspectives. It limits their ability to adapt and evolve in response to life’s challenges and changes.
Yes, overcoming a fear of change and developing a more positive outlook is possible. Through self-reflection, seeking support from professionals or support networks, and gradually exposing oneself to manageable changes, individuals can cultivate a mindset that embraces growth, learning, and positive transformation.
Breaking free from the cycle of self-doubt and embracing change involves challenging negative self-talk, building self-esteem and self-confidence, setting achievable goals, seeking support from positive influences, and celebrating small victories.
Several strategies can help individuals navigate and cope with change despite their fear. These include developing a support system, practicing self-care, seeking professional guidance, breaking down change into smaller steps, and focusing on the potential positive outcomes and personal growth that change can bring.
Dr. Mary

Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, a Ph.D. in Psychology and an accomplished Professor and Higher Education Leader, brings extensive experience to her role as a Certified Professional Personal and Career Coach. With over 30 years of leadership and organizational development consulting in academic and corporate settings, Dr. Mary is well-equipped to guide higher education professionals toward envisioning and achieving positive change. In addition to her academic background, Dr. Mary has a personal understanding of weight management challenges. Her transformative journey has inspired her to support successful individuals struggling with obesity. Through her expertise and compassionate approach, she helps them explore long-term options, including bariatric surgery or alternative strategies for lifelong weight management. With her unique combination of academic knowledge, coaching skills, and personal experience, Dr. Mary is committed to assisting individuals in realizing their goals and making significant transformations in their lives.

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Dr. Mary

Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, a Ph.D. in Psychology and an accomplished Professor and Higher Education Leader, brings extensive experience to her role as a Certified Professional Personal and Career Coach. With over 30 years of leadership and organizational development consulting in academic and corporate settings, Dr. Mary is well-equipped to guide higher education professionals toward envisioning and achieving positive change.

In addition to her academic background, Dr. Mary has a personal understanding of weight management challenges. Her transformative journey has inspired her to support successful individuals struggling with obesity. Through her expertise and compassionate approach, she helps them explore long-term options, including bariatric surgery or alternative strategies for lifelong weight management.

With her unique combination of academic knowledge, coaching skills, and personal experience, Dr. Mary is committed to assisting individuals in realizing their goals and making significant transformations in their lives.

Dr. Mary

Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, a Ph.D. in Psychology and an accomplished Professor and Higher Education Leader, brings extensive experience to her role as a Certified Professional Personal and Career Coach. With over 30 years of leadership and organizational development consulting in academic and corporate settings, Dr. Mary is well-equipped to guide higher education professionals toward envisioning and achieving positive change. In addition to her academic background, Dr. Mary has a personal understanding of weight management challenges. Her transformative journey has inspired her to support successful individuals struggling with obesity. Through her expertise and compassionate approach, she helps them explore long-term options, including bariatric surgery or alternative strategies for lifelong weight management. With her unique combination of academic knowledge, coaching skills, and personal experience, Dr. Mary is committed to assisting individuals in realizing their goals and making significant transformations in their lives.